Aboriginal Blacktracker

Our feet have done miles
On top of this land
Leaving no trace

For Forty thousand years
We never got lost

A Whiteman’s feet carve trails
Earliest graffiti on Black land
To a Blackmans eye

We find you dead or alive
The signs are all there
We are Blacktrackers misnamed

We are white trackers
Looking for you in a black place
A place you disrespect

At your peril

Aboriginal Land Part 2

There are no black cities in Australia
Only towns where blacks lived and died unnoticed

Aboriginal street names
A poor attempt at appeasement for white theft
In big city land grabs
Our black hearts ask
Do we have fewer rights than boat people?

Circular Quay
The Rocks
Once our great places
Our meeting places for forty thousand years
Stolen along with our children?

We were there before Cook
This must surely scare you

You force us to join dole queues
Behind refugees
Disability pretenders
Single mothers
Frauds and cheats

We have every chance of a legal challenge
To recover our land
Our aboriginal given wealth

We are not refugees or boat people
We are the first Australians
The only Australians
Born here
You are
Murderous white bastards at your best

You raped our women
Enslaved our men
With your guns
Took land that is not yours

Genocide is your choice for Aboriginals it is not ours

One day we will ask for our land back
Be scared be very scared of your own white laws

Aboriginal Injustice

I am still fighting for my black friends
My good friends

Those dark skinned
You call Abos
Those you call hopeless

And drainers of the public purse

Those you see in the dole queue
Those you see constantly drunk
Those you see filling our jails
Those who cannot get a job

In a white place stolen
By you
Only ever designed for whites

Turn back the clock and ask yourself
What have you done to help my black friend?
In two hundred years

Where did you include him in your plans?
When did you pay him for his land?
When did you thank him for giving us his children?

The Stolen Generation

When did you thank him for the liberties?
You took with his women?
All the blacks you enslaved on sugar and flower rations

And the real injustice is
The exclusion of laws to bring those white bastards to justice

Australian Aborigine

Yes we struggle
It’s hard to look forward when our land is gone
I used to sit with my mate
On the waters edge
Now it’s an opera house
A place of white man learning
And Blackman not forgetting

Our culture under white attack
And foreigners making rules in our country
Without entitlement

It makes no sense when genocide is legal
In white courts only

We never declared war but we should have
We should have rallied
Back then
We should have murdered every single white man
That stepped on our shores

True invaders of a sovereign black nation

The first fleet should have been the last fleet
When we had the chance to claim your trespass
By declaring war

You attacked
We were entitled to fight back
This was always our black land
This is still our black land

And you are still

White bastards for not acknowledging this

Cops and Aboriginals

Respect has gone
Both combatants are out of control
Hatred all around loses any hope

Of reconciliation

Cops can only stand back so far
Blacks rage in a drunken stupor
Jump tall buildings

And Bro
You must answer why
Those boys in blue are your enemy

When did they make the law?
When did they build the gaols?

Did you miss somehow what the judge said?
Good behaviour
It’s a chance the law gives for free

It’s not colour coded

Gather your intelligence my black friends
Fight this on a political stage

Genocide wins in your ignorance

As much as we love who you are
You cannot beat white law

The war is over you lost it


Aboriginal Magic

Whites place themselves at the top

Aboriginals wait in a long queue
For equality between shades of skin

A mountain of white king’s rule
Black shadows

Climate change is coming
Colour change is certain

White man dreaming

Australia will finally grasp
Equality one day

Aboriginal Magic


Its coming
Abuse by your black partner
The grog the drugs the glue

He will not know what he does

When he rapes your body
Blackens your face a shade darker than your skin

A new day dawns
He loves you again

Your sweet scent
Turns his mind to love
You are pregnant again

You stay

A family burns for you despite it all

The beatings and savagery
The verbalising
Threats and deprivation

You love your man
He is misunderstood

He loves you to death

Which is coming soon?

The Last Hot Dog

I have black skin
I am Aboriginal

I am fifteenth in line in a hot dog cue
Happy with my lot

The proprietor yells move the black guy up
Or he won’t get a hotdog
I’ll run out before his turn

I have but thirteen left
The racial card will be played
No doubt

My business does not need that

I moved up
To the front of the queue
The proprietor said can I help you sir

I said thirteen hotdogs please
Placed my money on the counter
Then walked away

To do business elsewhere
Appetite satisfied

Black Prejudice

Blacks can never love whites
Whites poisoned our hearts
Our children

Black childrens dreams shattered
By white greed

Bent minds and stolen children
Sexual abuse and slavery back then

We struggle with reality
Who are we?
We have no idea where we will call home next
With whom

Our pride is diminished by your white hatred

Where is our community of living?
Where is our death place?

Our Elders are beside themselves
And can only sell land for mining
Last power left for a warrior

Sell the land and sell out
Sell out our black arses
For white wealth

We are unemployable in the mainstream
It seems

Where can we talk freely?
Where can we walk freely?
With whom

Who will listen to a black voice?

Everyone knows white Australia
Those that are different
Those that dare to claim their own land
After proving forty thousand years of title

Those that stand up with a black face
Are knocked down
Appeased only with words like sorry
Sorry for what white fella?
That your genocide is working?

Mr Cook Come Back (again)

Can we start again Mr Cook?
Can we change the purpose of your visit?
Ownership of our land
To a visitors visa

We could teach you to hunt
And walk our land

Take you to pristine places
Sacred and grand

There would be no need for boundaries
No fences
No titles

We could give you a freedom
A place for white fella’s to come and enjoy
A fresh new world untouched by greed

A place called Gondwana
A place we all need
